Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Tequila: The New Weight Loss Secret

One of the reasons why I decided to start this blog is to share my love for alcoholic drinks. From a fruity cocktail to a nice pint of brew, I enjoy it all. Too much of anything is not good for anyone, but who knew tequila could actually be beneficial to one’s health?!
On my way home from work tonight, I heard on the radio that tequila can help with weight loss. My jaw dropped. I had to hurry home and do a little research on what I had just heard.
Tequila can be made from the agave plant, which contain a natural sugar called agavins. A study showed that these sugars could lower blood glucose levels for people with type 2 diabetes, and help obese people lose weight. Researchers experimented with mice and found that the mice who consumed agavins ate less and had lower blood glucose levels than the mice who consumed other artificial sweeteners. The mice who consumed the agavins also produced a hormone that kept them feeling fuller longer and produced insulin, which could be beneficial for diabetics and those trying to lose weight. Drink up!
I'm not a big tequila drinker, but if I'd have to choose, I'd pick patron, Jose Cuervo, 1800, or Don Julio. Hump Day drink anyone? Learn how to make a margarita!

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